How to copy files from Windows to Linux running in Virtual Box

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I struggled to copy files from Windows Host to Linux running in VM.

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Setup the shared folder

Set up a folder path where we want to share between Windows and Linux running in VM.

Check Auto-mount and Make Permanent. Set the Mount point to make it clear where the mount point is.

Reboot the VM once the setup is done.

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Copy the shared files from the shared folder

The shared folder can’t be read by a non-root user.

This is because the owner of the folder is root and the group is vboxsf.

$ ls -l /home/vagrant/ | grep shared
drwxrwx---  1 root    vboxsf     0 Jun 28 07:04 shared

If we are using a non-root user, we can’t access it and thus can’t do anything with it. It’s possible to add the non-root user to vboxsf group but it’s not a good idea to do it due to security reasons.

Instead, use sudo command.

$ sudo ls -l /home/vagrant/shared/ | grep test-folder
drwxrwx--- 1 root vboxsf    0 Jun 28 07:38 test-folder

$ sudo cp -r /home/vagrant/shared/test-folder /home/vagrant/test/test-folder

Change the owner and the group

The owner and the group are still root; thus, a non-root user can’t read the copied folder.

~/test$ ls -l
total 4
drwxr-x--- 4 root root 4096 Jun 28 07:41 test-folder

Let’s change the owner and the group simultaneously with chown command with -R option. It changes the owner and group of child folders and files.

~/test$ sudo chown -R vagrant:vagrant test-folder/
~/test$ ls -l
total 4
drwxr-x--- 4 vagrant vagrant 4096 Jun 28 07:41 test-folder

Then, all the subfolders and files can be read by the non-root user.


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