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How to implement efficient Least Recently Used cache (LRU) in TypeScript

This post is the output of this book. If you want to check all the code, go to my repository. What is cache? Cache is a ...
Dart and Flutter

Dart: Trie Data Structure: The Key to Fast and Effective Search

Structure Trie (same pronunciation as "try") is a tree-like data structure. It has the following looks. Let's assume tha...
Dart and Flutter

Learn implementation of Disjoint-set (Union Find) in Dart

Disjoint-set is one of the Data Structures. It's useful to merge two elements and check whether an element is in the same group as another element. Let's learn how it work and how to implement it.
Dart and Flutter

Implementing Bloom Filter in Dart

Bloom Filter can save memory and improve performance. Let's learn how it's implemented in Dart and how it can be used in an example!

Implementing Treap data structure in TypeScript

This post explains what Treap is and how it can be implemented in detail. It is often used for the implementation of dictionary and set. It's worth knowing.

Implementation of D Way Heap in TypeScript (Binary Tree)

Explains how D-way heap works and how it can be implemented in TypeScript. If you need to update/remove an element, it does it in a very short time.
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