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How to make code testable

In this post, we created a shopping application which is available on console and refactored it. It has only one class w...

How to become a better programmer

I hadn't been decent programmer for a long time because I hadn't written unit test. Decent programmer should at least be...

Visualizing log info with Fluentd, Elasticsearch and Kibana

Docker writes contents written to stdout and stderr into json formatted log file. If we create a function to write log w...

Container optimization

As you already may know, Docker doesn't automatically remove images. An image composes of layers that are cached and the...

Update and rollback without downtime in swarm mode

We don't want to stop our services when updating one of Docker images in a cluster if possible. If the new image fails t...

Creating a cluster with Docker swarm and handling secrets

Docker Swarm is Native orchestration tool. It makes service management easy. For example, it stops a container which is ...

Override Docker compose file to have different environments

The dev-environment and production environment is often different. The difference depends on the system but what I can e...

Container’s dependency check and health check

A software becomes failing state. When our software falls into a failing state we want to restart the software in order ...

Run multi Docker containers with compose file

In the previous post, I explained how to communicate with other Docker containers. If you haven't read the post yet, go ...

Communication with other Docker containers

When we want decide to use Docker container we probably have multiple Docker containers. In that case each container has...
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