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Advanced state machine pattern

I recently implemented logic to provide state machine info. At first I didn't implement it by State pattern but I felt i...

Linear Regression for Machine Learning Beginners

The purpose of this post is to understand how linear regression works in order to start learning Machine Learning. Linea...

Best way to implement utility function Top-level vs Static vs Namespace

There are several ways to offer utility function which is used by variety classes. Have you ever considered which way is...

JavaScript/TypeScript currying arrow function

The currying or curried function is an arrow function that returns an arrow function. If the internal object also returns a function, it looks not readable. Let's break a big currying function into small pieces and understand how it works.
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How do computers identify the destination

Internet is most important service today. Digital information is shared over the internet and we can search what we want...
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Most common Git commands for daily work

This post explains the most used git commands in daily work. If you remember these commands, you can handle most cases.

How to check if an object implements an interface in Typescript

When using Typescript the compiler detects the type error. It supports any data type but it is not recommended to use be...

How to write Node-RED flow test

Testing the whole Node-RED flow is important but adding test flows is not a good idea. Test stuff should exist only in the test code. This post explains how to write Node-RED flow tests in JavaScript/TypeScript code.

Replacing a static function by using proxy class

This is 4th post in Become a better and decent programmer series.In the first post, I explained how to extract logic in ...

Reducing number of conditional clauses by command pattern

This is 3rd post in Become a better and decent programmer series.In the first post, I explained how to extract logic in ...
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