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TypeScript/JavaScript Extract target keys from an object

A variable name can be too long to be referred to many times. If it is an object, the name to access one of the child va...

JavaScript/TypeScript Handling Surrogate Pairs

I needed to convert a string to ASCII code in my work. I didn't need to care about multi-byte characters but I wanted to...

Validate Json file with Json schema

Json file is widely used for many purposes. To consume the data, we somehow need to validate the json file. It is ok to ...

TypeScript Hack the original behavior

Dependency doesn't support what you want? Then, hacking the code might be the solution. This article tries to replace th...

Make an Event Listener test simpler by Promise

A unit test should test only one thing but there might be some cases that a test checks multiple things because those va...

OR Operator causes a misunderstanding

OR operator "||" is useful to set a default value if the target variable is not set but it is easy to make a mistake eve...

How to write annoying unit tests

A unit test should be clear enough. To make it concise, the tests are refactored. It looks good at first but some of them trouble us as the software grows. Let's understand those ways to cause problems.

TypeScript How to refactor a function to use named parameters

TypeScript and JavasScript don't offer named parameters. How can we do a similar thing? Is there are any to refactor the code to apply the technique?

Node-RED flow test is slow if flow is big

I have tried several times to reduce test time of Node-RED flow test and failed. For the flow test, I use node-red-node-...

TypeScript – Using never type in switch case

TypeScript offers never data type for values that never occur. I've never seen it in my work but I found it useful for s...
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